Some levels were selected to be in the CGMA Summer 2019 Student Showcase

The pillars and the rock roof frame in the entrance of the cave

The walls act as a border to frame in the mountains. They also take up most of the screen to help with the framing.

Composition is one of the most important aspects of guiding players through a space. I learned that positioning shapes and choosing certain colors can be a huge help in telling the player where to go without being obvious. I would use prototype models provided by the instructor to do the layout, I would also create props that would help with my concept for the level.
Shapes and Psychology
Throughout the course, l learned how to use shapes to trigger a player's human psychology. For thousands of years, humans associate shapes with feeling safe or recognizing danger. Even to this day, our brains still react according to the shapes.
With this knowledge, I would scale and place props in a certain way for when I wanted the player to feel safe, anxious or stealthy. I also learned how to use aspects of "The Hero's Journey" to enhance the player's experience.

The trees giving a clear path for the player on which way to go. This part is "The Mentor" role, where the player feels safe in the beginning of the level.

The round shapes of the trees make the player feel safe in the space.

The pillars and rectangular shapes act as cover and also guide the player to the shrine at the end.

The trees giving a clear path for the player on which way to go. This part is "The Mentor" role, where the player feels safe in the beginning of the level.

Concept Art to Level Layout
At the beginning of the course, the first assignment was to create a level block-out based on the painting "Streets in Arcueil" by Henri Matisse. This was a way to learn composition and how to set it up for the player's view in the game. It was also a way to understand the scale and distance between objects from up close and afar.
I also used concept art from artists I found for inspiration for some of my level layouts.